The image file he sent and is attached, shows only the seal of the Dragon King.
这个由他寄来的附呈图档, 仅显现〝龙王之印″.
——期刊摘选Includes the hibernation and skip files in the image file. These files are excluded by default.
包括映像文件中的休眠和跳过文件. 默认情况下不包含这些文件.
期刊摘选Cannot create image file. Check disk space and permissions.
无法创建图像文件. 请检查磁盘空间和权限.
互联网To adjust thumbnail dimensions, set displaying options and select image file formats use its Configuration Manager.
调整缩略图的尺寸, 设置显示选项,并选择图像文件格式使用其配置经理.
互联网Click the Browse button and browse to the location for the image file.
互联网Saves current image file.
互联网This switch overrides CRC error detection and may allow a corrupted image file to be used.
互联网Checks the integrity of the image file indicated by filename.
互联网A router can't find the image file specified in the register, what will the router do?
如果路由器找不到在寄存器中的系统映像文件, 它怎么做?
互联网It is stored as an image file on your existing Fat 32 partition.
互联网You may convert model space, all layouts, all space, or last active layout to Image file.
你可以转换模型空间, 所有的布局, 所有paperspace, 或去年积极布局的图像文件.
互联网How to find compression ratio of image file integrity of the source code has been tested.
互联网It's recommended to draw your content on sheet of paper or in an image file.
我们的建议是, 你 可以通过一张小的说明页面让别人对你的内容引起兴趣,或是加上一副小插图辅助说明.
互联网The video image information can be classified into real - time stream media and stored image file.
系统中传送的视频图像信息可以分为两大类: 实时 流媒体和存储图像文件.
互联网Find an image file that you want to make a thumbnail of.
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